Part One: The Great Nut Escape.
Alone in my tiny room I paced. Back and forth I paced, with a quick step. Stuck, that’s what I was with no hope of ever being set free. They wouldn’t let me claimed that I was too nuts for them to release back into the wild.
“But, but, but!” I remembered exclaiming as they slammed the hard metal door of my cell. “That is exactly what this is all about! Nuts”
They nodded and smiled in their kind way and proceeded to close the door anyways.
Muttering to myself I paced back and forth. They had to let me out.
Coffee, there had to be coffee somewhere. I started sniffing around the room. I checked every corner of the padded walls to see if they had hidden some in there somehow. I didn’t really expect to find some but there came a time in a young squirrels life when you just have to think outside of the box and believe that there might be a chance at the impossible being able to happen.
When I didn’t find any coffee in any of the corners I thought maybe I might find some yummy nuts hidden. So back I went around the room to see if there might be some. I didn’t find any of course, but then that reminded me of what I really should have been thinking about.
I had to get out of there. To find the nut. Not just any nut you see. The Nut. Yes the most beloved and prized possession in all of Nut History. It was the NaNoNut.
Laugh, go ahead. Everyone does when they first hear about The Nut.
But once you are done laughing would one of you out there be willing to help me find The Nut?
No? I suppose not. Talking squirrels are a bit strange aren’t they? Never mind back to my story and how I really did find a way to get out of that cell.
Well I didn’t actually find a way out. It found me when I think about it. There was a loud banging on the door to my cell.
“Let me out! Let me out!” I screamed at the banging.
“Let me in! Let me in!” Came a voice from the other side.
“Why ever would you want to be stuck in here?” I called to The Voice.
“Its better than being stuck out here with all the crazy people!” The Voice replied.
“You have a point.” I said as I sat back down on the cold floor.
“I know, so now would you please let me in?” The Voice called out again.
“I would if I could. I would love to help. But you see I am stuck.” I said scratching my head.
There was a great big silence then. I thought maybe The Voice had gone away.
“I see. We have to do something about that.” The Voice said. “I think I might have just the trick.”
“Really?” I said my ears perking up.
I heard a soft clink sound and then a loud crash. Then I heard some scratching at the door. Then silence again.
“Hello? Did you give up?” I called to The Voice.
“Nope. Still here. Working on it.” The Voice grunted as the scratching sound returned.
I waited with my ear against the door and then suddenly a loud thunk came from inside the door and it swung open almost knocking me off my feet.
“Let me out! Let me out!” I screamed.
“Let me in! Let me in!” The Voice screamed too.
I scurried away to a corner and stood there looking at the looming figure in the door. Looming to me wouldn’t be so big for you people, but then again I am a squirrel you are not.
“You are a girl!” I said to The Voice.
“Yes I am and you are a Squirrel.”
“But your hair is blue!” I stammered. “You don’t look like any girl I know.”
“And you can talk. That aint acting like no squirrel I know either.” The Girl Voice said and put her hands on her hips.
There was some more of that odd silence thing before she spoke again.
“So what do we do now?” She asked standing there looking at me.
“Well.” I said my mind working a mile a minute. “Maybe we should just leave. I mean you did say that there was crazy people around right?”
“Yes, that is why I wanted in here with you. You seemed to me like the only normal person around and here I come to find out that you are not a person at all but you are a squirrel.”
“Yes, well I am aware of the fact that I am a squirrel. But that still does not tell me what we should do now.”
“You aren’t going to eat me are you?” The Girl Voice asked peering closely at me.
“No. I am a squirrel I do not eat people. I eat nuts.” Then my mind remembered why I had to get out of there in the first place. The NaNoNut! “I know! We can go find The Nut.”
“The Nut?” The Girl Voice scratched her head and looked at me strangely, well more strange than one would look at a talking squirrel.
“Never mind that now. Come on lets go.” I said striding across the room and taking her hand as we left.
And that my friends is how I made my Great Nut Escape.
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