Friday, January 29, 2010

The Tale of The NaNoNut Case Part Two: The Great NaNoNut

The Tale of The NaNoNut Case
Part Two: The Great NaNoNut

“Sooo What is this nut thing all about?” The Girl Voice asked

“Its not a nut thing. It is THE NUT. The nut that is above all the other nuts.” I replied in a hushed voice as we left the building and headed down a back alleyway.

“Is it something that ya eat?” The Girl Voice asked “Because I hope that it is. I am starting to get hungry with all of this running around.”

“Oh my.” I stopped utterly horrified.

“What? What did I say?” The Girl Voice stopped and looked at me.

“You cant be serious!” I stared at her.

She wasn’t serious? Was she? Could she really not actually know?

“Serious about what? I do not understand what you are talking about!” The Girl Voice made a face at me.

“You really don’t know anything about the nut do you?” I asked as I sniffed and peered at her face.

“No. And I don’t know why you are making such a big deal about it either. I mean seriously if you want me to know all about this whole Nut business and you are such the expert on the subject then you best get to it informing me so you can stop treating me like a bloody idiot.”

I just stared at her in wonder. I could not believe that there was anyone out there that did not know about the Great NaNoNut.

“I mean after all I cant be all that dumb ya know. I did find a way to get ya out of that room of yours.”

“This is true. You did do that.” The more I thought about it the more it started to make sense.

If I told the Girl Voice about the NaNoNut then she might be able to help me in my quest to locate it. It had to be found before it fell into the wrong hands. No telling what would happen if it did.

The world might end.

So I had to make the decision if I was going to trust the Girl Voice or not.

She was standing there staring at me with narrowed beady blue eyes, a strand of straight dark hair hung down over her half her face. I could feel my body start to sweat under my fur.

“To tell or not to tell. That is the question.” I said nervously.

“So what are ya gonna to do about it?” She asked straightening herself up and crossing her arms across her chest.

“Well I suppose I could tell you.”


“Well you would have to swear that you will not tell anyone.” I said solemnly.

She started to laugh. Great big gales of sound roared out of her mouth, and it gave me quite the fright. I did not know if she would ever stop. And then as soon as it started she stopped again, gasping for breath.

“Who am I going to tell? Seeeeriously!” She giggled. “Who is going to believe that I know a talking squirrel, let alone anything you can tell me about this nut of yours.”

“You know you do have a point there.” I said thinking about things a little more. She was right. What did It matter? No one would believe her, given the circumstances.

“So? Are ya gonna tell me or not? I cant just stand here waiting all day ya know.”

“Alright. I will tell you but no talking about it to anyone. Do I make myself clear?” I asked sternly.

“Ya, Ya, whatever you say there Squirrely” She said rolling her eyes at me.

“Alright here goes.” I said as I took a deep breath and began, “There is a Nut out there some where. It is called the Great NaNoNut. They say it holds the key to all creativity. If it falls into the wrong hands it could mean an end to the world as we know it.”

“Wrong hands? I don’t get it. Who else in their right mind would believe in something so far fetched as that?”

“Well there are others out there who, like you, would not put it past an animal to be able to talk. People with open minds who might use the Great Nut to their own advantage instead of protecting it.”

“And that is what you want to do then? Find it so that you can protect it?”

“Well yes, that about sums it up. See there is this guy who—“

“Wait, what guy?”

“He is a really bad guy. He is out there as we speak looking for the Nut.”

“Alright, who is this guy and how do you know for sure that he is looking for the nut?”

“Because he is the reason you found me in that cell to begin with!” I exclaimed. This whole explaining thing was starting to become exhausting even for a squirrel with as much energy as I had.

“Ok I think I got you now. There is a Great Nut out there somewhere that is the key to creativity and there is some Bad Guy out there who is trying to find the Great Nut to fulfill some sort of personal need of his, and he has tried to stop you from finding the Great Nut first by locking you in a cell.”

“Yes exactly.” I released the breath I had been holding as she had gone about reciting the events that lead up to present. “That is it exactly. I am so glad you understand me now.”


“Yes?” I looked at her cautiously.

“So do you want me to help you find this Great Nut of yours? So that we can save creativity for all of mankind?”

“Well not just mankind, but yes that would be lovely, if you wouldn’t mind?”

“I guess I really don’t have anything else better planned.”

“Thank you.”

“No problem, we best get to it then.”

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Tale of The NaNoNut Case ~ Flash Fiction Friday

Part One: The Great Nut Escape.

Alone in my tiny room I paced. Back and forth I paced, with a quick step. Stuck, that’s what I was with no hope of ever being set free. They wouldn’t let me claimed that I was too nuts for them to release back into the wild.

“But, but, but!” I remembered exclaiming as they slammed the hard metal door of my cell. “That is exactly what this is all about! Nuts”

They nodded and smiled in their kind way and proceeded to close the door anyways.

Muttering to myself I paced back and forth. They had to let me out.


Coffee, there had to be coffee somewhere. I started sniffing around the room. I checked every corner of the padded walls to see if they had hidden some in there somehow. I didn’t really expect to find some but there came a time in a young squirrels life when you just have to think outside of the box and believe that there might be a chance at the impossible being able to happen.

When I didn’t find any coffee in any of the corners I thought maybe I might find some yummy nuts hidden. So back I went around the room to see if there might be some. I didn’t find any of course, but then that reminded me of what I really should have been thinking about.


I had to get out of there. To find the nut. Not just any nut you see. The Nut. Yes the most beloved and prized possession in all of Nut History. It was the NaNoNut.

Laugh, go ahead. Everyone does when they first hear about The Nut.

But once you are done laughing would one of you out there be willing to help me find The Nut?

No? I suppose not. Talking squirrels are a bit strange aren’t they? Never mind back to my story and how I really did find a way to get out of that cell.

Well I didn’t actually find a way out. It found me when I think about it. There was a loud banging on the door to my cell.

“Let me out! Let me out!” I screamed at the banging.

“Let me in! Let me in!” Came a voice from the other side.

“Why ever would you want to be stuck in here?” I called to The Voice.

“Its better than being stuck out here with all the crazy people!” The Voice replied.

“You have a point.” I said as I sat back down on the cold floor.

“I know, so now would you please let me in?” The Voice called out again.

“I would if I could. I would love to help. But you see I am stuck.” I said scratching my head.

There was a great big silence then. I thought maybe The Voice had gone away.

“I see. We have to do something about that.” The Voice said. “I think I might have just the trick.”

“Really?” I said my ears perking up.

I heard a soft clink sound and then a loud crash. Then I heard some scratching at the door. Then silence again.

“Hello? Did you give up?” I called to The Voice.

“Nope. Still here. Working on it.” The Voice grunted as the scratching sound returned.

I waited with my ear against the door and then suddenly a loud thunk came from inside the door and it swung open almost knocking me off my feet.

“Let me out! Let me out!” I screamed.

“Let me in! Let me in!” The Voice screamed too.

I scurried away to a corner and stood there looking at the looming figure in the door. Looming to me wouldn’t be so big for you people, but then again I am a squirrel you are not.

“You are a girl!” I said to The Voice.

“Yes I am and you are a Squirrel.”

“But your hair is blue!” I stammered. “You don’t look like any girl I know.”

“And you can talk. That aint acting like no squirrel I know either.” The Girl Voice said and put her hands on her hips.

There was some more of that odd silence thing before she spoke again.

“So what do we do now?” She asked standing there looking at me.

“Well.” I said my mind working a mile a minute. “Maybe we should just leave. I mean you did say that there was crazy people around right?”

“Yes, that is why I wanted in here with you. You seemed to me like the only normal person around and here I come to find out that you are not a person at all but you are a squirrel.”

“Yes, well I am aware of the fact that I am a squirrel. But that still does not tell me what we should do now.”

“You aren’t going to eat me are you?” The Girl Voice asked peering closely at me.

“No. I am a squirrel I do not eat people. I eat nuts.” Then my mind remembered why I had to get out of there in the first place. The NaNoNut! “I know! We can go find The Nut.”

“The Nut?” The Girl Voice scratched her head and looked at me strangely, well more strange than one would look at a talking squirrel.

“Never mind that now. Come on lets go.” I said striding across the room and taking her hand as we left.

And that my friends is how I made my Great Nut Escape.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Doorman ~ Flash Fiction Friday

It was the same thing every week. Day in and day out he stood there watching the people in the building come and go. There were all sorts of people who lived in his building. Some small families with young children, some couples who were just starting out on their lives together, older couples who had enjoyed a long life together and had seen there children grow up to be adults with families of their own. They were all nice to him. They always remembering that he was the one that held the door for him with a polite nod, a smile or a kind word. The children were the best of the bunch, some of them were now old enough to leave their parents side, run up to him calling his name, all smiles and giggles and then wrap their tiny arms around his legs or waist.

Then there was the old woman. He only saw her every Sunday morning when she left for church, and then when she came back from running her errands.

She was the exact opposite of the rest of them. When every one else was nice and polite to him, she was rude and spiteful. She never had a nice word for anyone else in the building but all the things she spoke to him were worse still. She complained about everything and managed to find a way to blame him for everything that was wrong with her day. If he failed to hail a cab for her in time she would blame him. If it had snowed the night before and the building maintenance had failed to shovel properly, it was his fault, and he would be told that he should have taken care of it.

She was the only reason he had to hate his job. He had wished that she would just hurry up and kick the bucket already. She had to be in her eighties or nineties and she certainly couldn’t be any younger than that. She had lived enough of a life of making people and it wasn’t like there was going to be anyone who missed her.

He knew that he was not the only one who had problems with the woman. He had heard whispers amongst the tenants that she was a trouble maker for most people as she complained to the property manager about the other tenants, and had even called the police several times on some. He had seen her make some of the children cry with her sharp tongue. Even the building maintenance disliked her.

Today was Sunday, and going to be different. She was not going to be coming down. They were all going to be rid of her and her crankiness. She was not going to darken another person’s day ever again.

A week ago had been the final straw. She had almost growled at one of the tenants daughter for having been laughing at her mother too loudly for the old woman. That night there had been a small meeting of men. They had all talked of how to get the old witch to back off. No one had come up with something that another had not already tried. In the end they all decided it would just be best if she left.

And they all knew that she was far too well off and too in control of her faculties to be convinced to leave. There was no way for them to put her in an old aged home. Then there was the fact that no one had ever seen any family or visitors of any sort come and go into the building for her at least. So there was no one there who would be able to help them talk her into leaving. No the only way for them to get her out was for her to die. Then they would be free of her forever. It had been settled. He was the one to take care of it.

And he had obliged.

It was Sunday and the sun was just starting to rise. Today was going to be different.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Client ~ Flash Fiction Friday

The man was guilty. There was no doubt about it in her mind. She knew her client had done what the prosecutors said he had done. The look in her client’s eyes had told her all she had needed to know when she had asked the question of him on their first meeting.

She shivered as she thought back to the conversation. It had been in one of the city jail’s bleak interview rooms. Her client was an older man, in his mid fifties with charcoal grey hair and piercing blue eyes. He had been waiting for at the small table in the middle of the room. His hands were cuffed and chained to the table top. His legs were in irons and chained to the floor.

“So are you guilty?” She had asked and watched his reaction. She always made it a habit to ask her clients of their guilt or innocence. It managed to give her a starting ground on which to build their defense. They all thought they were not guilty and each and every one of them that she had met over the years had told her the same thing. They were not guilty.

To some of her client’s credit there were some who were definitely not guilty of the crimes that they had been accused of. They had simply been caught up in something that they had no business being involved in, in the first place. Then there were of course the guilty ones, who just didn’t want to admit that they were indeed guilty of the crimes charged to them. And there were more still whose guilt was unknown. Those were the hardest of cases for her.

Some would think that they wouldn’t be as hard, but they are. Not knowing was worse than knowing one way or the other.

He had said nothing when she had asked him. He had simply sat there smiling at her.

She then had begun to read to him the charges. As she had she had watched from the corner of her eye to see his reaction.

What she had seen then had made her stomach turn.

With every count he had licked his lips. At every victims name he had grinned. His eyes were alive and sparkling with a gleam that could only be described as evil. He however said nothing which only served to make his reaction more vile.

It was as if he was enjoying the obvious fruits of his labour.

She had had to force herself to keep reading the charges as it was what was customary and expected. There was well over one hundred charges, and over fifty victims. Those were the ones that they had found.

How she was going to be able to defend a man such as this she had no idea. She hated her bosses at the firm for having put her in such a position. But she had drawn the short straw on this one and had been sent to deal with the man before her.

Once they were done reading out the charges they would have to go over each and every one of them and he was going to have to explain.

She found the room hot as she continued to read. She felt the man’s hot gaze on her as she bent over the pages. She did not want to look up. She did not want to see the look on his face as he stared at her.

She came to the last name on the list and that’s when he finally spoke for the first time since she had sat down.

“Wait.” His voice was as smooth as silk. Low and sultry.

If she had been anywhere else she would have thought it was sexy. But here it only served to make her skin crawl.

“Yes?” She said finally looking up at him again.

“That last one? That was not mine.” He said and he smiled at her.